Doctor's Best, Fast Melt Immune Probiotic 3 Billion with Bifodan, 30 Stick Packs
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如果你還在考慮Doctor's Best, Fast Melt Immune Probiotic 3 Billion with Bifodan, 30 Stick Packs這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~髮旺旺
- Science-Based Nutrition
- Helps Reduce Upper Respiratory and GI Incidents
- Dietary Supplement
- Vegan
- Probiotic Powder
- Non-GMO - Gluten Free- Soy Free - Vegan
- Help Restore Healthy Gut Bacteria
- Helps Promote a Healthy Immune System
- Rapid Dissolution and Quick Absorption
For髮旺旺 easy on-the-go use Doctor's Best Fast Melt Immune Probiotic dissolves rapidly on the tongue without water. Just one great-tasting stick pack provides the daily dosage.
- 15 Blueberry stick packs
- 15 Redberry stick packs
- Dissolves instantly on the tongue - requires no water
- Has a fast melting/cooling effect
- Contains clinically documented strains - Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis BL-04
- Non-GMO and Vegan
Doctor's Best, Fast Melt Immune Probiotic 3 Billion with Bifodan, 30 Stick Packs